Monday, May 31, 2010

"If you're clappy and you know it..."

That's the song a little girl staying at our guesthouse sung to me this past week..."if you're clappy and you know it, clap your hands..."!! She's 5 years old and undergoing the final adoption process by a younger Christian couple from Michigan. She's just beyond precious and still learning English ;) Her name is Abby, and she puts a smile on my face everytime I see her! (God's actually given me a new vision and used her as an inspiration and encouragement to move forward with this "crazy vision"!!)

So, this blog I'm going to share some this past weeks events...hopefully you can feel like you've actually been here in Uganda with me :)

On Tuesday, we had our last visit to the Remand Home and Wells of Hope. Wells of Hope is the place I've absolutely fallen in love with!! We spent the majority of time playing with the children was extremely hot, BUT the kids were laughing and having a blast! We were learning new worship songs with actions, playing treasure hunt with candy, running through the dirt playing other games, and just loving on all of them!! Despite all the despair and hopelessness the kids may have been "feeling" and experiencing, I believe they sincerely felt loved, had fun, and experienced joy and happiness!

For the past few weeks, we've had teachings on the Beatitudes (the Sermon on the Mount). For those that don't know, it's a teaching/preaching that Jesus gave (check it out in the Bible, Matthew chapter 5), that proclaimed Jesus' attitude and challenged religious leaders of that day. We have gone in depth through it and it's truly changing me from the inside-out. I can't even explain it! What it means to be poor in be hungry and thirsty for His have a pure heart...and God's rewards for all of these. Studying His Word and the Holy Spirit and being in it will mess you up...and is completely changing my life :)

One of my groups had to do a teaching this week, and our topic was "sincerity". We got the topic a while ago and the day we got it, I asked the Lord to begin to prepare me...boy did He (always be careful what you pray for!!!). We had 3 days of teaching (only 30 minutes each day). The first day, everyone in the group participated...God totally wrote the program in such a creative way :) I love to be unique and creative...and He knows that (and since He is THE Creator, it was awesome)...we performed a skit that I wrote, played a song, prayed, and had the class journal about some specific questions (this program was completely different than any other groups program previously). All the glory goes to the Lord...He completely wrote the program, and I was just obedient to listen and follow His plan. Day 2, another girl taught the whole session, and did a wonderful job...and day 3, I taught the whole session. It was completely anointed. I didn't go in wanting to just teach a lesson, I wanted to get to deeper issues and change lives...use the foundation of sincerity, but go much deeper...and God totally allowed me to do that! It was incredible! I challenged some people, agitated others, excited others...but in the end, I know it wasn't ME that did was the Holy Spirit working through let people get angry, frustrated, and agitated...I was just the yielded vessel...they can take their issues up with the Lord :)

Well, the night before I was preparing the teaching, I was up pretty late and sitting in the common room, and in walks a really cool missionary from the States! God is so amazing how He orchestrates us to meet people and do things! I was tired and pressed for time, but even at midnight, I will stop and talk with another missionary ;) His name is Josh and he's from Texas, in transit to Sudan for a couple months. He was there last year and helped start an orphanage. He's going back now for the ground work on a primary school. He's in his 20's, yet been all over the world already, and was sharing many of his amazing experiences with me...nothing short of incredible, miraculous, and powerful!! There's no doubt the Lord's Hand is all over his life and he is filled with the Holy Spirit. He's very interested in working with Iris Ministries at some point (Heidi Baker's foundation) and some of you know that's the other ministry I was considering to do discipleship/missions training with. It's very possible Josh and I will cross in mission ministry path's again someday! I'm very interested in doing mission work in Sudan, and he told me Heidi Baker has ministry set up there :)

So, the same day I did the sincerity teaching (and had very little sleep the night before because I was talking to Josh and preparing the teaching), we had our "seed project" in the afternoon. (I believe I blogged about the project several weeks ago). Every group was sent out to a specific area to do street ministry and instructed to find out the needs of the community, and then come back to brain-storm ideas on how to best meet the needs. In the area we went to, the LC (lead commissioner) of the area doesn't have good relations with the community and there's not good communication and there's no respect for him. People of the community dump all their trash right outside his office (to express their frustration and anger), so the area is a mess. Also, the kids are very overpopulated and very disobedient...many involved in gangs and bullying. The atmosphere of the community is just bad and you can "feel" it as you walk around. The first time we visited, it just felt unpeaceful and like everyone was disgruntled and in strife. No love. No Jesus.
Soooooo, on Friday, we went back to implement "our project". Our plan didn't happen exactly as we anticipated (TIA), and I won't tell you what we originally planned (because it would take too long), so I'll just give you a glimpse of what did happen! We had a team of 8 people (6 Ugandans and 2 Muzungus), because a couple members were out sick :( We borrowed T-shirts from the hospitality department at the church, so we all looked uniform, and had a box of water donated (to give away to people), a bunch of gloves, a couple shoves, several brooms, a couple rakes, a couple hoes, and 2 megaphones....and we all boarded a matatu. There's a large hill that you must walk up with cows and trash to the sides, and at the top is the LC's office and the community. We all stood at the bottom of the hill (looked at "our project" at the top of the hill) in a big circle and prayed just before walking up the muddy hill in our matching T-shirts...are you picturing this?? ;) Oh, I forgot to mention, we also got a cable to attach to the megaphone and plugged my iPOD into it. I prayed about what songs to put on the playlist (our objective was to attract the kids and we could talk with them and/or get them involved in our trash clean-up). We hung the megaphone around the back of the other muzungu on the team, and started blasting the music (it didn't sound perfect, but it honestly didn't sound that bad either). What I didn't realize, was the first song that was on the playlist was called "Unashamed" by Lecrae (it's a Christian hip-hop song). I don't normally listen to hip-hop, so I really had to allow the Lord to lead me when I was making this playlist. The lyrics at the beginning say, "We unashamed....unashamed....unashamed....we unashamed...unashamed.....". Obviously there's more depth to the song, but how appropriate that we come walking up blasting that song...God is sooo cool! Well, pretty much instantly the kids are flooding out...between hearing the music and seeing the 2 muzungus...they want to know what we are doing there?! The trash piles looked overwhelming...we are seems like an impossible task! Alright God, here we go...this is for Your glory :) Well, it was nothing less than awesome!! The kids see what we are doing and start grabbing brooms and shovels to help us and hold trash bags open for us. At one point I had a child in between my legs, holding the broom with me, to help me sweep. I started to think that we could get so much more done if some of the younger kids weren't there BUT God said to me, "it's much more important that these younger kids see the example that you are. They only see bad, negative examples around here, and this will leave a lasting impression on them. You just continue to work hard and hug on them and love them and leave the rest to Me".
I had several "favorite moments" during the clean-up. One was when I looked over and saw a little boy, maybe 3 or 4 years old, holding onto a water bottle, and breaking it down to the hip-hop was beyond precious!! Another favorite moment was when some of the cows had wandered up the hill really close to where we were cleaning the trash (these are cows with horns...I guess that would make them bulls???). Anyways, about 4 little kids took their brooms (that were bigger than they are, hehe), lifted them over their heads (with such authority) and started chasing the cows down the hill using the brooms. Obviously thinking they were helping us out, which they were. HOWEVER, 2 members from our team were picking trash at the bottom of the hill and suddenly these cows/bulls come charging down the hill at them...they go running and yelling in different directions to get out of the way...oh my, it was classic, I almost had to sit down, I was laughing so hard!! Last of my other favorite parts was actually our walk home. It's about a 25 minute walk home and you have to picture this! We are walking through a main part of Kampala's Friday evening and packed...people everywhere....buses everywhere!! We are dressed in matching white T-shirts, which aren't so white anymore, hehe, we are sweaty, carrying brooms, shovels, and rakes. Because the sidewalks are pretty crowded, we are forced to walk in a line or in pairs...but leading us is one muzungu guy with a megaphone strapped around his back. We decided to walk the streets of Kampala and play our new "theme song", Unashamed, because the lyrics are so fitting, "...we ain't ashamed, you can call us lame....God has resurrected Him and I'm here to glorify Him, My Jesus, Jesus, Jesus....". It's a total hip-hop song and you can't help but move to the beat...we were all putting a little "move" into our step and we were rapping along with the song, or trying to, hehe :) We were laughing and having so much fun!! (The others on my team couldn't believe that I had that type of music on my iPOD, they said it was perfect to attract the people we were trying to reach....yep, God is perfect!!) It made the walk in the HOT sun, after just cleaning up trash for 2 hours, a lot less tiresome and A TON more fun :) I love my team, they are hard-working, strive for excellence, care about His People, pray, and listen to His voice...makes it very easy and pleasurable to serve alongside them...I'm going to miss them sooooo much!!! I hope we made an impact in the slum area we went to...bridging the gap between the LC and community is not easy, leading tough gang members onto a straight path is not easy, bringing peace to a community is not easy.....but we serve a big God and with Him ALL things are possible....if anything, I know we planted several seeds!!!

I think my blogs are getting longer and longer (when I sit down to write, I don't intend for them to be so long)...but I think subconsciously I know the end is soon coming to this incredible and indescribable experience! Only 2 more weeks left here in Uganda, but I'm staying fixed and focused; I must finish here before I can think about home (in Florida) :)

Love you all!

Living to know Him more and more,

Monday, May 24, 2010

What's your hope in??

Or better question is...who is your hope in?? To sum up this week...frustrating, discouraging, and disappointing!! How can a missionary living in amazing Uganda and seeing the Lord moving in miraculous ways have such a week AND then blog with such emotional honesty?? Easy...because I'm Michelle and I'm real and human AND just make sure you read the whole blog ;)

This Tuesday my group was supposed to go to the prisons (this is the 2nd scheduled visit, but the 1st time the paperwork didn't go through and we ended up showing up that morning thinking we were going to prison but sent out to do street ministry instead). We had our whole program planned out. On Monday, I received a text from the girl in my group who was supposed to be preaching at the prison, and she had malaria and didn't know if she would make it AND that I should be prepared to give the message. HA! I've never even stepped foot inside a prison, and certainly never preached in a prison before! I wasn't feeling physically well that day either, so I got up early Tuesday morning (the day of the prison visit) and prayed, asking the Lord what He wanted me to speak on (if the other girl was indeed too sick to preach). A message began to drop in my heart and I wrote a few notes down and slowly the message began to stir and formulate in my heart. We arrived at the church to pick up the rest of the group and boarded the bus to head to the prison. The busride was unusually quiet...I think we were all a little nervous (noone had visited the prison before). There were 3 groups on the bus...some were going to a women's prison, men's prison, and death row prison (my group was going to the women's prison). When we arrived at the gate, many of the prisoners were outside doing yardwork...I suddenly got a very nervous feeling that overwhelmed me....stronger than the message that was powerfully stirring inside me! I turned to the girl who was sick and supposed to be giving the message and jokingly told her that I thought she was going to get miraculously better and be able to preach, so I didn't have to :) The guards gave us a very hard time, although we had all the correct paperwork, but finally made our way to an office (without our leader because they wouldn't let him in at first...long story!!). I'm the only muzungu in this group so I was a bit uncomfortable...especially since we were trying to find our way to an office without our leader!! So, I was still a bit nervous, but this message continued to stir and stir in me and God actually started adding to the message using some of the items that were sitting around the office (He was speaking to me like crazy!) I was getting pumped and ready to give this message!! Well, we sat and sat in this office. One hour went by....we were told the prisoners were being counted....ANOTHER hour went by....we were told the prisoners had to be recounted because there was a miscount-TIA....ANOTHER hour went by as we watched them going for lunch!!!!! We sat in this office waiting for over THREE hours-TIA (they knew weeks in advance that we were coming)!!! Then, our bus came and we had to leave before making it out of the office and seeing any of the prisoners! No praise and worship, no skit, no special song, no message, no prayer, no nothing.....!!! I left disappointed, frustrated, and discouraged!!!!

THEN, we were supposed to go back to the village to stay and do construction from Wed-Sat. BUT, I ended up not going :( I had not slept more than 12 hours in the previous 4 days....been in pain from the kidney stones and just been incredibly exhausted and run-down (we have been on-the-go in full-time ministry for 4 months straight, it's all catching up with me)! My leader was completely ok with me taking the time-off, but of course, I was not ;) Those that know me, are snickering right now! I'm very stubborn and hard-working and like to push through things! But, I opted not to push through and work in my own strength and power...I took a time-out to rest and spend some intimate time with the Lord (reflecting on what's been going on the past 4 months). This was a very difficult thing for me to do, I wanted to go do the work, not "reflect and relax" and not "just be"! However, I realized that God would not be receiving the glory He deserved....Michelle would...YIKES! But, not being able to join the others still left me disappointed, frustrated, and discouraged.

A word that got prophetically spoken over me several weeks ago was "be available". Then this past week, the word that was prophetically spoken was "be flexible". These are so true and fitting...and I'm holding onto them, but, it's much more than that! Just because things don't work out the way we plan or the way we believe God called us to do something...does NOT mean we've missed Him....does NOT mean we have failed Him...does NOT mean we've disappointed Him!!

Instead of being so self-focused and concerned about where we should be or what we should be doing, we should be committed by faith to following His Spirit, whatever God chooses to do in our life....focus on Him. I'm reminded about a particular incident with Abraham. One day the Lord tells Abraham to go to the mountains to sacrifice his son. The next day He tells Abraham, wait, replace your son with a ram to sacrifice instead. What if Abraham was not attentive to the Lord's voice in that moment? What if Abraham was so focused on a word from yesterday? What if Abraham was so focused on where he was going and what he was doing, and not paying attention to the Lord's voice in that moment?

There are many reasons to speculate why the prison didn't happen, despite God giving me a message and there are also many reasons why I was sleepless and rundown right before going out to the village, but I didn't spend much time trying to figure it all out...I wanted to, but instead kept my eyes focused on Him and believe the understanding will come later, if ever!
I continue to remind myself of Isaiah 55:8-9 (one of my memory verses), "'My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts' says the Lord, 'and my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts'". Yep, I know all this is easier written, than done....let go, and let God! I'm not letting this past week keep me down and discouraged. I'm pressing more into Him. I'm finding refuge in Him. Each day is a fresh new start...actually every hour I'm finding new people to talk to, new songs to listen to and heights to worship from, fresh words from the Lord, new visions from Him, amazing conversations with amazing people, and so much more...the experiences are just too numerous to list. God doesn't just move here in Uganda...He does the same thing back home...I think we just get too caught up in the "busyness" to stop and realize how amazing and indescribable His works and love are!!! But even then, I'm trying not to let people or circumstances define my mood, outlook, hope, or who I am; keeping my eyes on Him, His Word, and letting Him define who I am!

It's funny, I've only got 3 weeks left, but I have an odd sense these next 3 weeks may be more difficult than getting me on a plane over here (poor Terri Dieter knows how many texts and emails she received from me right before I left....freaked out that doing this trip was insane and a big mistake)! God's chiseling out the last bit of "me" that needs to go and putting His finishing touches on His Masterpiece (Eph 2:10)....but I'm squirming all around, making it very difficult for Him....I must fix my eyes on Him and remained focused and finish here :)

PS You would think after being here for 4 months I would be used to the bugs and no more bug stories....ok, just one more ;) We've come up with a new song/dance, and apparently I've perfected the moves ;) I like to call it the "muzungu crazy unidentifiable creature dance". So, last week after being in the village the whole week, we we came back to discover our room was now large green bugs!!!!! They look like grasshoppers, have antennas like cockroaches, leap like antelopes, and fly like birds...can you imagine or name it?? Ok, I exaggerated a bit on the last part....but they can jump AND fly!! We've named them "Cliff"! Since these invaded our room (not kidding, there were at least 30 in our bedroom/bathroom alone....this doesn't count the kitchen, sitting room, hallways, etc)....but it makes it very easy to practice the dance! It's simple, you just have to sit your bed, outside, in the sitting room on the couch, even on the toilet....and just wait....within a short period of time...this large green bug will be landing on you from out of nowhere!! (I even stepped on one when I was getting up from the toilet at 3am the other night....yeah, I kinda woke my roomies up with my nice little squeal...I now use a light when I go to the bathroom from now on, hehe!!!) Anyways, when you get one on you, inevitably they love to land in my hair (hence the reason I've perfected the dance so well) jump in place like the girl from Flashdance....throw up your arms around like you are trying to swat an annoying fly....throw your head (if it's in your hair) down in the direction of the person sitting closest to you....and sing in a frantic, high-pitched tone, "get it out, get it out" or a variation, "get it off....get it off".
It's a lot of fun...really....I've got 3 more weeks here....come on over and I can teach it to you...I'm very good at doing it now ;)

Love you all!! Thank you for faithfully I said, 3 more weeks in Uganda....

Living to know Him more and share His Love,


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Never Known Love Like This!!

One of my classmates recently told me he wanted to discuss something with me...about what love really is. WOW! I have no idea where he is going with this and why he wants to talk with ME in particular about it?! However, the Lord has actually really, really been showing and talking to me about what love is!

From being on this trip, I can honestly state, "I've never known a love like this". I'll try to explain why :)

First, God's love for me (and all His People) is just indescribable! I can't say this enough! The ways He provides for us daily, the breath-taking nature we are surrounded by (especially here in Uganda), the giftings and talents He allows us to operate in, the amazing variety of foods he provides us to eat, and all the people He orchestrates for us to encounter on a daily basis!! I can't comprehend how much He loves me (us), but my eyes are opening a bit more to it since being here in Uganda....I've never known a love like this!!

Second, I've never known (or had) a love for His People like this...especially the Ugandans here. I don't care how much of an introvert you are or how hurt you have been by other're not an island that can survive on your own, and God created us for relationship! I just have this outpouring of love for people, even complete strangers!! The best way I know how to explain it is to use an example with my car gas tank :) When I fill up my gas tank in my car, I usually tap it off until I can't fill anymore....I fill it completely, actually I fill it past the "F" mark, I fill the "extra" overfill space too. I have no idea how much gas is held in that space (what can I say, I'm a girl, hehe), I just know there is quite a bit because it lasts a while :) This is the best way I can explain my love for His's all contained in this "overfill space" and once I pour it out (or use it) on His People and the gauge needle moves down to the "F" line or a little lower...the Lord fills me up to overflowing again!! I'm constantly sharing/showing love to others from out of my overflow space AND the love I give to God Himself is instantly returned back to me, as if it never left "the tank" in the first's an incredible cycle and that's the best way I can explain it! I've never known a love like this!!

BUT, the best way I know to describe true love...ummm are you willing to die for someone? If your mom or dad were being held at gunpoint, would you offer to stand in their place? If your husband or wife were walking in front of a car and about to get hit, would you run in front, killing yourself but saving them? Your best friend is about to be raped and killed, would you stand in their place? Are you willing to take their place and die for someone??? This is love. BUT, true love...true love is being willing to do these things for a complete stranger. Are you willing to die for a complete stranger?? One who is practically killing themselves on drugs and alcohol or who is stealing, committing adultery, gossiping about you, mocked you for your entire life....would you be willing to die for any of them? Jesus was AND did! ("But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:While we were still sinners, Christ died for us". Romans 5:8) Now that's true love! Ultimate love! Perfect love! That's the love that flows thru me and to His People! Meet my Jesus, who is all I need and more than enough for me. Christians who are reading this blog know and experience this love I'm talking about. However, if you've never known my Jesus, but are curious about Him and His Love....I'll be home in 4 weeks...let's talk...I can make us some amazing African tea and we'll chat :)

Now, to talk about the past 2 weeks....spent 1&1/2 weeks in village and a couple days in Gulu (northern Uganda)!

We did trauma counseling for the kids in the village (around 350 kids). It was pretty challenging for me, because my group was challenging; it was difficult getting them to open up and talk (I ended up not being a leader of a group because our director wanted to take some pressure off of me because I was in severe pain from kidney stones just days before going...I think I would have been fine leading, but that's ok!). But, I'm going to spend some one-on-one time with a few of them, and believe the Lord is going to work some healing and trust building through it. However, what I gained most was actually the village in the "difficult" conditions, living with Ugandans, and being around my Ugandan classmates 24/7! I actually was put in a home with one of the other muzungus (which was a blessing) to venture with no electricity, no hot showers, a more primitive setting, together. I'll share some questions we whispered back and forth the past 2 weeks:

"So how do we brush our teeth...there's no sink??

"Wow, putting in contacts in the dark using a flashlight and compact makeup mirror...this is a first...should I try to audition for you've got talent??

"The mosquitoes here must be fed some kind of toxic growth hormone...they are huge and can bite you from any out!"

"(after using the hole-n-the-ground toilets)...ok I stepped in something, I don't know what it was, I don't want to know...will someone please just clean my shoes for me?"

"I just hand-washed my clothes this weekend and I still smell like cheesy feet...why do I always smell like cheesy feet??? This is disgusting!"

"(all the doors and windows stay open during the day. We were having afternoon tea and I'm sitting facing the door.) Steph, look.... (there was a chicken walking right past the door with a rope around it's foot)....well, there goes dinner, TIA"

Our home had "a mom" (not biological because these are all orphans), and 7 teenage girls. The homes all contain 3 bedrooms (1 for the mom and 2 for the kids), a kitchen, dining area, small sitting area, and bathroom. Our mom was soooo sweet and the girls were great. I'll tell you about one of my favorite was Wed night. We went to small group with one of the teen housemates (it's a youth small group, that's led by a youth as well). So encouraging to see such mature youth and firm in their faith! Later that night, after dinner, 2 of the girls showed us some traditional dancing from their culture. Then, my roomie taught them some freestyle dancing :) This was all done in the dark with a small lantern...sooo cool! I brought the card game, "Slap"...and knew that would be a good tool to help bond timid, shy girls together...and sure enough, it did! Again, with a little light from the lantern, we played Slap...making sure we didn't knock the lantern off the table (those who have played the card game before know what I'm talking about, hehe!!)....we giggled and giggled and giggled...had the best time with my new Ugandan sisters and stayed up way too late ;)

Every afternoon I walked up a huge hill to their sports field and played basketball!! There's a guy in my class who's great at basketball and an excellent a group of us would get lessons from him :) Ok, I confess, the first couple days, I spent more time running than I did playing...he's a tough coach and would make us run a certain amount for missed shots or if we did bad in the drills :) I had a blast...played with people from my class and some of the kids from counseling. Mercy (one of the girls from my class who is in a picture on the right) and I called ourselves "M-squared"....neither of us have ever played basketball before and so the 2 M's stuck together and "coach" had a hard time splitting up the "M-squared dream team" ;)

We also spent 2 days in Gulu just visiting the area. (I actually did a medical mission trip there with Dr Vega and we partnered with Watoto being there brought back lots of memories). We visited the church, baby orphanage, a couple IDP camps, did a mini game run safari, saw Murchison Falls, Living Hope Ministry, and we stayed overnight in the same place I did 3 years ago when I came. The same security guard actually still works there and guess what...he remembered me!! We spent about an hour talking and catching up (he is wonderful) and I was SOOOO excited to see him...I can't believe he still works there! I really love Gulu. There's a special atmosphere there. Although there was an insane war terrorizing people just 5 years ago, there's now a sweet peace. Although I know people are still hurting and left traumatized and much healing and restoration is still needed...they are so friendly and sincerely sweet. We had such a good time there. Most of my classmates have not stayed at an inn nor been on a safari, so it was awesome being around them and their excitement :)

Next week is a little different too...Tuesday my group is venturing to do prison ministry (my first time in a prison EVER) and then the rest of the week we are doing construction building in a Watoto village (and staying in the village again, so more ice cold showers and lantern living!!)

4 more weeks till I leave Uganda!!

Thanks again for reading, this was a long one! As always, thanks for your continued support, encouragement, and love!

Living to know Him more and more,


Sunday, May 2, 2010

2 weddings and a funeral- The Gift of Life

I'm definitely reminded this week of how powerful the Lord truly is. I'm reminded how grateful I am for the breath of life. I'm reminded how quickly life on this earth can end and I don't want to waste one second!

Earlier this week I attended my first African funeral and burial (hence the title of my blog. I've now attended 2 weddings and a funeral in the short time I've been here). Wednesday afternoon we had arranged transportation to take our team (of 11) out to the village where Samuel was now staying (the 17 year old boy with HIV who we've been visiting for the past several months). However, he passed away around 5am Wed morning, before we could make it out to see instead of visiting him that afternoon....we traveled out to the village for his funeral and burial. I wasn't quite emotionally/physically prepared for all of that! It was about a 1&1/2 hour ride out there and most of it was "off road", meaning dirt roads and traveling through very remote places. It was really, really bumpy and a rough ride, but quite refreshing at the same time! It was nice to get out of "the city". Just seeing all the trees and mountains and little streams...the untouched nature that God created! Also, driving past the small random, remote villages was incredible! It made me desire and crave to go on a mission trip! What an odd, strange thought...I desire to go a mission trip, while I'm here in Africa ON a mission trip?!?! What I meant was that I have such a heart to go "into the bush", into remote villages, and reach the untouched people, those who haven't yet heard about Jesus!!
Well, we finally arrived at the village and the service was just about finished (they were actually waiting for our arrival before the buried him). About 150 people were sitting all around, some on plastic chairs but most on the ground, and in the middle of them, under a small tarp, lay the open wooden casket of precious Samuel. They spoke and sang for a bit longer and then closed the casket and carried it into the woods, with all of us following behind, to the burial site. They spoke and sang a bit more, lowered the casket in, several people threw some sand on top and then they started digging the sand on top to bury the casket. You could hear many people wailing from the funeral site, while we were singing down at the burial site. This whole day was a bit surreal and difficult to process through and I do believe I'm still processing through it. Obviously it's sad for such a young man to die at an early age, but I feel so unresolved not knowing whether he was actually born-again or not. Really reminds me that this isn't a game, these are people's eternal lives and also makes me treasure the time and life God has given me....I can't take it for granted :)

This whole week has been quite different from our "normal routine". We have been in a trauma training program. A counselor from the US has been working in Gulu (northern Uganda) for about 2 years with a team of "trauma counselors" that he has trained. You should hear some of the amazing stories of healing, forgiveness, and freedom from the work that the Lord is doing through them!! Also, about 80-90% of people that have gone through this program get saved (born-again) by the end of the program...this includes drunkards, witchdoctors, former LRA members (Lord's Resistance Army), etc. It's incredible what the Lord is doing! (It's a 2 week program, and the "trauma counselors" do this program usually in IDP (internally displaced person) camps, and actually humble themselves and live in the camps during these 2 weeks). So, they are wanting the program to be launched in Kampala and our class is going to help launch it...starting with the children in Suubi village. So, this whole week we've spent training and the next 1& 1/2 weeks, we will spend doing the program with the children. However, we will also be living in the village. Soooo, I will be "mission trip" living for a bit! No hot showers at all, no electricity at all (obviously no internet access), and actually living with the people (the international team is being split up). I'm very excited about this, however, got a bit overwhelmed yesterday. Most of our class is split into teams of 3, with a trauma counselor (from Gulu) as the leader of the team, and each team will get 15-20 children to go through the program. Well, I got in a team with no trauma counselor from Gulu....and I'M actually leading the team!! How did that happen?? Overwhelmed...but trusting God. God will have to be my strength and source of wisdom. The Holy Spirit must work through me (us), because it's not about us....I want the kid's lives to be changed forever and I want them set free from bondage and feel the love of Jesus through us!!

So, I won't be blogging for the next 2 weeks (because we won't have electricity and internet access). We are actually in the village for 1& 1/2 weeks and then traveling to Gulu for a couple days!!

Please pray for me and the 360 class, as you feel led (I know some of you have been, and I REALLY appreciate it!!!!) I'm feeling physically exhausted and I've got nothing left in me to give. I'm in incredible pain from the kidney stones (I believe they are about to pass....inconvenient timing, right before going to the village and I'm in charge of a team). Traveling to Suubi and especially to Gulu...roads are not in good condition and there's constantly accidents happening. But, despite what outward circumstances may look like, I have a quiet inner strength and peace from Him. I'm relying on His Strength, which IS sufficient, unlike mine :) I confess my complete dependence on Him. I trust Him and want to serve Him and bring glory to His name...while having fun and building relationships :) Just knowing that He loves me, gives me hope to carry on!!

Thanks again for your prayers, support, and love!
I'll be back bloggin' in 2 weeks....

Knowing He is with me on ALL the roads I travel on,
