Monday, April 26, 2010

Just trying to "be His kid"

So, I'm reminded once again about the distinction between "being" and "doing". The whole Mary vs Martha biblical principle. It is so difficult in our society and generation, that's based on works. Our worth and value seems to always be connected with "doing" are you "doing"...what are you "doing"...what do you "do" for a living. We get so caught up in what we are doing instead of who we are and more importantly who God is, and who we are in Him. I don't "do" things to receive more acceptance or love from Him, I know I have that regardless of my works and nothing will increase His love for me (Romans 3:27-28). However, I still struggle sometimes to slow down and "just be"..."just be His Kid"...and to "dance like a girl" (do you like that, Terri?) :) I so desperately want to be made more into His image (nothing wrong with that) and want to serve Him with everything I've got (nothing wrong with that either)...but sometimes I forget to just "be". I start to "help" God change myself, which in fact isn't helping at all, it's just being counterproductive and slowing down my growth and transformation into His image!! I definitely am hearing Him loud and clear. Another paradigm shift is on the brink!!! These things hurt my head :) They are so against my natural self and counter-intuitive, but I'm so certain it's of the Lord! I'm like a fish swimming in the opposite direction of the "school of society fishes". Now, more than ever, I know who I am in the Lord and I can just "be" and let the Holy Spirit move and work (not become lazy or complacent...that will never work for me...but move and flow in a whole new way and perspective)!

Recap of this past week and a look into the next couple weeks :) Btw, this past week got changed around a bit (not suprising, TIA) so it wasn't as rough as I anticipated!

We went to visit our Living Hope clients (the patients with HIV, whom we visit in their homes). Lots happening with each of them! Our Muslim client, who we connected to a church and cell group and supplied a bible to...suprisingly had accepted Jesus the previous week at her church!!!! How cool is that?! She's still plugged into the church, cell group, and has a good friend who comes over and reads the Bible with her, to help her understand better. When we went to visit her, we had nothing formal planned (normally we do) and "ironically" we had a small, informal bible study. Everyone kept suddenly getting different scriptures and encouragements to share with was really cool and led by the Holy Spirit! The second client is our 3 1/2 year old little girl, who on most visits, is quiet and doesn't talk or move around, just sits in our laps. However, this time, she saw us coming and came running full-speed up the road towards us and jumped into one of my group member's arms! It was precious! There were several other children there so we crowded into the small room together and played guitar, sang, and was lots of fun!! Our third client is the 17 year old boy, Samuel, who I've shared that I'm so heart connected to. We got word several days before the visit that he had been taken back to the village. I didn't understand why because I knew Samuel was adamant about NOT wanting to go back there. However, after asking and prodding my group members more, apparently people are taken back to their village when they are expected to die soon. Samuel had stopped taking medication, was no longer keeping food down and they supposedly couldn't get an IV site in him, and now was said to be paralyzed. Our group had planned it all out and had talked with Samuel's uncle to get someone to escort us to the village to visit Samuel (the village is pretty far and we would have to drive and take some kind of boat to get out there). We were determined to see him though! However, when we arrived the morning of ministry day, the leadership told us we could not go that day because they were afraid there wouldn't be enough right now we are desperately working out transport to go out and visit him this next week, REALLY want to see him. I've spent several nights praying for him and his salvation!

I attended my second Ugandan wedding on cool is that?!?! Actually, our whole class attended :) One of the pastor's comes in twice a week to teach us discipleship classes....he rocks!! So, as a class, we feel very bonded to him and it was really special that we got to attend his wedding!! He looked so excited and happy (in class he's very serious and intimidating and carries such an authority), and the bride looked absolutely stunning!!! The wedding was simple, but amazing! The whole presentation was just incredible! Before anyone walked down the aisle, the worship pastor opened with "You Raise Me Up"- wow he has an incredible voice and the music was anointed...then everyone came down the aisle and it was all nice black tuxedos but then noticed it was pastor after pastor after pastor...all his groomsmen were pastors (who have come in to do many devotions and teachings with us), so we knew them all and their little personalities...which was fun to see them all!! The message was also great...the prayers were powerful...the dancing and singing was the best (especially seeing the pastors all dressed up and dancing)...the special live duet of "Bless the Broken Road" was just a simple, but powerfully perfect and memorable wedding!!

All this week we have "trauma counseling" training. Will let you know more about that next Monday :)

Please continue to pray for me! 7 weeks left here and you would think it gets a way it does, but in a way it doesn't! I'm still dealing with kidney stones...some days the pain is better than other days :) Also, my passion for kids/youth ministry is growing leaps and bounds! I literally do feel like I'm going to burst sometimes! I've been asked to set up a couple appointments with some "big people" in Watoto to discuss some things-this is a huge step for me, even to get the courage and boldness to talk to "the big guns"- continuing to pray and see where that leads :)

I miss you all!! Experiences and people are absolutely incredible here (I can't believe I'm so blessed to be here), but of course, nothing can replace my friends/family back home and some of the comfortable lifestyle accommodations I was used to! (Most days we have hot water for showers, but those unexpected ice cold showers a couple times a week...sure make you appreciate hot water). Power randomly going out at any moment. No control over what you eat, and most days it's a lot of rice for lunch and a lot of rice for dinner! Not able to talk to or see any of my friends or family for 5 months. No car to just jump into and head to the store. Also, I can't believe this is coming outta my mouth, but I can't wait to eat a huge salad (because they don't have salads here) AND a huge cheeseburger when I get back!! (That's a huge shocker for those that know me really well, because I don't eat meat...the last time I had a burger was sometime in high school...well over 12 years ago...guess Uganda is changing me more than just spiritually!) :)

PS I will no longer be a salt-addict when I get back. I'm on a forced fasting of salt-is that biblical?? :) One girl on my team has limited my salt intake with dinner and now everyone has caught on board...they literally grab and hide the salt shakers from me or pour one dash into my hand or make me use pepper instead!! It's a good thing I love all of them, hehe!

I really am going to be unrecognizable when I get back...a no-salt, cheeseburger eatin', guitar playin', completely sold out for Jesus kinda girl :)

In Christ,

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