Sunday, April 18, 2010

Love the KIDS!!!!!

Wow, it's getting intense over here in Uganda!! Now only 8 weeks left here, and the pressure is on! I feel there is so much work left to be done in me and so little time to go...I'm putting the pressure on the He can really be pressured, haha :) I truly want to come back unrecognizable in 8 weeks!! I've been preparing for a "character study" that I have to teach our class in a couple weeks. I'm talking about sincerity, which was the "character" that was assigned to our group. Who knew the Lord would search the depths of my heart before I could teach on this topic! I sure didn't like everything that I discovered so it's a good thing He's not through with me yet! Have you ever thought about what motivates your actions? Is it to build yourself up to look good? Is it to prove/show others you're a good, Christian person? Is it out of obligation and a religious attitude? Or do you have sincere, pure motives to do things out of an overflow of Jesus' love? Start praying for God to show you your own motives...and I guarantee that your very next prayer will be for His help in making your motives right, pure, and holy! I'm seriously being molded into His likeness!

Will try to keep it short and only tell you about 2 ministries that we did this week!

We went back to Wells of Hope Academy, the recently started boarding school for children who's parents are in prison. I can't begin to describe the atmosphere at this school...powerful, anointed, and blessed...I just love it there and would stay there, if I had the opportunity! After a prayer, reintroduction (in which they remembered all 10 of our names since we last saw them 4 weeks ago), we did a lesson. Last time I did the teaching, but this time another team member taught about the Creation Story. However, I was involved in the Adam and Eve skit we did after the lesson...I actually wrote the skit :) Somehow I also got volunteered to play Eve?! :) We had the best time, especially with impromptu lines, hehe!! The kids were laughing (which is good because they are in extremely difficult circumstances) and I do believe they will always remember the Creation Story and Adam and Eve (or at least have a good giggle remembering when we taught them and loved on them)! I wish you could hear the children's incredible what is in their precious, little hearts. When they thought this was our last time there, a couple of them went to the classroom door to say good-bye and had tears in their eyes :( I really, really, really enjoy working with these children and look forward to ministering there one more time. I believe this is one of my favorite places of ministry since I've been in this program in Uganda.

We also did street ministry on Friday afternoon. Each group was assigned a particular location, and our objective was to share who we were, and to discover the needs of a family and some issues within the community. Our group took a matatu (van-like taxi) to some slums about 15 minutes from the church. The area was in rough shape. We immediately were walking through mud, trash, and cattle. But, as I was looking back and talking to another team member, I suddenly looked up and 5 or 6 little kids were at my feet jumping up and down greeting me excitedly :) (Since we were in a village, they don't see many muzungus (white people), and there was myself and one other muzungu guy in this group). However, the kids kept surrounding only me and I certainly was NOT complaining!!!) Since the kids took a liking to us, we actually asked them to take us to their homes, so we could talk with their parents. After spending some time in the home and saying good-bye to the kids...we made it back to the church to discuss our plan of action or possible solutions to help (or help change) this community. Since I'm trying to keep this blog shorter, I will let you know in a later blog what ideas we came up with, how we plan to implement them, and exactly when we are going back to this area (which we don't know yet)!!

I wish I could describe in words just how amazing God is, but it's simply impossible to do! All I know is that He's faithful and loves us far more than I will ever be able to comprehend. I know I can't live without Him and my life would just be useless and meaningless.

Just spent this Sunday in "Children's Church" at the district church I serve at each Sunday. (This is the first Sunday I've been able to serve back in Children's Church, because there has been such a need for greeters/ushers). Let's just say my passion for working with kids is getting stronger and stronger...I feel like I'm going to BURST!!!

I'm really missing everyone!! I really can't say thank you enough for all the prayers, emails, facebook messages, and texts....they always come at the perfect moments and I appreciate you all, how sensitive you are to the Lord, what faithful friends you are to me, and your love for me!!!
This next week is going to be very intense for me personally (will write more about it in the next blog)!!

Living to know Him more and more,


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