Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wait a I really doing this???

Wow, I can't believe less than 15 days, I will be boarding a plane to spend 5 (FIVE, CINCO, CINQ, V) months in Uganda, Africa. Lots of "firsts" for me...this is the first time I will be traveling all by myself, the first time I will be spending more than 2 weeks out of the country, and the first time I have sacrificed my job and stepped out into something this bold. To some people this may be nothing, but to me this is huge and just the beginning....the start of truly stepping into my destiny!! I am completely stepping out and trusting the Lord every single step of the about flashlight faith :). I'm stepping out with an expectant heart that I'm going to go do things I've never done before, see things I've never seen before, and experience things I've never experienced before. I believe I'm going to step into a wholeness that I've never known before and a freedom I've never experienced before. I'm incredibly excited but still a little nervous :) (I still can't believe I'm really doing this!)

What will I be doing there?? Well, I really have no idea :) I will be a part of the Watoto Ministries Discipleship program called Watoto 360. What does that mean?? I will be doing some classroom learning and A LOT of hands-on experiencing!! They already have many ministries set up including; prison ministry, hospital outreach, ministry to individuals and families with AIDS, ministry to widows and orphans, etc. They run many orphanages...and you know I have a HUGE heart (and vision) to one day build an orphanage/school/church somewhere/somehow!!

I love, love, love the following that Watoto 360 states about their program (it makes me want to leave tomorrow!!), "Watoto 360 is five months put aside to grow in your walk with God. Come join us for life-changing teaching and ministry times. At Watoto 360, you will learn more about God and about yourself, but will also learn how to change and impact nations and serve out of all God has accomplished in your life. We're not content with you simply learning a lot, we want to equip you to bring healing to the world". That's awesome and I'm ready!!

The last several months I've walked through some really devastating things, but God's grace is amazing!! I can't begin to tell you how much I've had to surrender and lay down at the cross AND how much I've been changed from the inside-out. What the Lord brought me through and the work He did in me is literally miraculous...I stand back in awe! (Terri Dieter is also an amazing woman of God, amazing friend, and amazing mentor....she faithfully stood beside me and provided Godly guidance and wisdom during this difficult time! I just love that woman!)

I'm now soooo ready for some me and God time...just me and Him for a little while (no other distractions)!! I'm making a lot of sacrifices with money and my job (just to name a few), but I'm not worried, I know I'm supposed to do this trip, and the Lord will provide. I have no idea what the living circumstances will be like over there (running water?? electricity?? hole in the ground for a toliet??)...I have no idea if I will get along with the other people that are going to a part of the program...I have no idea why I'm supposed to be going on this trip...I just know I'm supposed to be going!! Soooo, despite the secret poll that I believe is going on at my work as to whether I will actually come back, I will be back...just not the same...I'll be forever changed!

I'm going to try to blog once every other week while I'm gone (depending on the internet access, hehe). If you are interested in receiving my blog updates, just click on "follower" (on the right-hand side) and my blog updates will be automatically sent to you.
If not, please pray for me, when you are led!! I really, really, really appreciate your prayers!!

Thanks for your encouragement and support...and for just loving me!!

I will be gone from January 10,2010-June 15,2010.

I love and will miss you all!!!

In His Love,